Saturday, December 14, 2013

Signs That A Guy Really Likes You

If you ever notice a guy acting like this around you, chances are: he’s already falling in love with you. A boy can’t help but show these tell-tale signs of love when he really likes you!

- He smiles at you. A lot.
- He laughs at your jokes, even the ones that aren’t funny.
- He defends you to others.
- He asks questions about you and your life.
- He jokes about dating you.
- You catch him staring at you.
- He’s awkward whenever he talks to you.
- He always uses your name when he talks to you. He knows your name and likes to say it.
- He calls you by a nickname/pet name.
- He asks you to “hang out” some time.
- He calls you on the phone. Most guys hate talking on the phone.
- He acts more respectable and mature when you’re around.
- He compliments your appearance.
- When he says something, you’re the first person he looks at for a reaction.
- He tries go get into the same classes as you.
- He asks your friends questions about you.
- He touches you, even subtly.
- He asks you what you think about certain other guys. He’s trying to find out if you like anyone.
- He asks your advice about other girls to see if you get jealous.
- He notices and remembers things about you that most people don’t.

1 comment:

  1. Guilty off doing some. Ok, most. Alright, all!
